Revolutionizing the Future of Retail Industry

Unlock the Power of AIoT to Transform Customer Experience

SenzView, Customer behavior analysis platform

(5.0)SenzView, Customer behavior analysis platform

With cutting-edge AI-powered cameras and processors, SenzView transforms how businesses track and understand customer behaviors within their physical stores. Advanced FootFall metric accurately identifies high-traffic areas, empowering businesses with real-time information to optimize store layouts and enhance the customer experience.

    Key Features

    • 1
      Computer vision based technology
    • 2
      Comprehensive Customer Analysis
    • 3
      Branch-Specific Data Categorization
    SenzView, Customer behavior analysis platform


    • 1
      Enhanced customer experience
    • 2
      Optimized store layouts
    • 3
      Effective staff deployment and labor management
    • 4
      Personalized marketing strategies

    Technologies Used

    Jetson NanoMediaPipeYoloTensorRTMoveNetDeepSortEdge computing